Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wheatfield with Crows... and rakish 19th century self-portraiture?

Wheatfield with Crows. 1890.

Is there a subliminal image in Van Goghs famous Wheatfield with Crows? Lots of people believe they can see more than what is plain. What I see in this painting, as illustrated below, is Vincent's head lying on a pillow and a woman lying on top of him, using her arm as her own pillow. Vincent's head is on the right side of the painting, and the woman's on the left. Both Vincent and the woman appear to be happy and relaxed.

This 'hidden' image appears to me much more strongly than the literal interpretation of this work.  Take a look:

The outlines. Does that big cloud in the middle represent bandaging around his ear?

Brought to you by my expertise in MS Paint.

Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear and Pipe. 1889.
Self-Portrait. 1887-88.

What do you see?